Since the 30-day trial, I've realised that while I sincerely hoped I'd become a vegan permanently, it was too difficult to keep up in the long run. I've found being a vegetarian, just as rewarding and satisfying, and much more doable with my lifestyle. I've recently started a low-carb vegetarian plan, and since I've started (7 days ago) I've lost 5 lbs! I'm currently at 157lb, my goal is to be 135...which I haven't been since before I had my daughter, but I know I can do it. I've been walking a minimum of 30 minutes on my lunch and staying (relatively) close to under 100 net carbs a day. I'm drying to slowly decrease that to about 50 net carbs, but I have to find some practical snacks to do so, which I haven't found yet - I can only eat so much cheese, raw veges, and nuts, lol.
November of 2010, I decided to embark on the journey of Veganism. It started out as a 30-day-trial, inspired by my favorite blogger, Steve Pavlina. It was also an experiment to see if my 4 month old son would react positively to my breastmilk on a non-dairy diet. It was only once I had made the announcement, via facebook, that my co-workers and friends also played a major role in helping me become Vegan for life.
Since the 30-day trial, I've realised that while I sincerely hoped I'd become a vegan permanently, it was too difficult to keep up in the long run. I've found being a vegetarian, just as rewarding and satisfying, and much more doable with my lifestyle. I've recently started a low-carb vegetarian plan, and since I've started (7 days ago) I've lost 5 lbs! I'm currently at 157lb, my goal is to be 135...which I haven't been since before I had my daughter, but I know I can do it. I've been walking a minimum of 30 minutes on my lunch and staying (relatively) close to under 100 net carbs a day. I'm drying to slowly decrease that to about 50 net carbs, but I have to find some practical snacks to do so, which I haven't found yet - I can only eat so much cheese, raw veges, and nuts, lol.
November of 2010, I decided to embark on the journey of Veganism. It started out as a 30-day-trial, inspired by my favorite blogger, Steve Pavlina. It was also an experiment to see if my 4 month old son would react positively to my breastmilk on a non-dairy diet. It was only once I had made the announcement, via facebook, that my co-workers and friends also played a major role in helping me become Vegan for life.
The first educational material I read on a Vegan lifestyle:
After reading the book, not only was I convinced I should never eat meat or animal products ever again, but I was shocked by how hazardous the Standard American Diet is on our digestive system. The book is easy to read and entertaining to anyone interested in general health topics. It provides comprehensive reasoning behind veganism and gives beginners a heads up on what to expect.
Now, I'm not saying that I've been a 100 percent Vegan ever since reading the book. I have, however, made several adjustments and continue to eliminate animal products from my lifestyle.
The biggest of two problematic areas for me is CHOCOLATE. If there's chocolate in the room, I can rarely resist. The other area - donuts. There's only one specific kind that I'll occasionally (once a week) treat my self to: the rainbow sprinkled ones....these contain egg in the dough and milk in the icing...not very vegan. But I can NOT find a vegan replacement. Something about having a rainbow sprinkle donut and a diet coke just turns me on! LOL.