Trinity $tarr
Currently, Trinity's favorite movie is Phatom of the Opera the most recent version. She LOVES it, and would watch it all day everyday if I let her. Between that, and Queen, I'd say we have a musical genious on our hands.
Just this past week, she's starting sewing classes with Grandma Georgianne. She sewed together a variety of squares to use in her very first doll blanket. Amazing! I think she can probably sew better than I can now!
My little girl is growing up so fast. She is 4 and will be turning 5 October 1st! Where has time gone? Kindergarten in the fall...then she'll practically be driving! She is my little princess, and believe me, she agrees. Just yesterday she asked me if she could have a unicorn! I wish...
Birth Story
Trinity as started to wear make-up. Obviously, it is just for fun, but still! She see's me doing it and right away she wants to go get "ready" too. She loads up on eye shadow using her little plastic trays of make-up that Grandma Ginny got her for Christmas. She puts lots of lip gloss on's totally adorable, but a little scary at the same time :)
Pre$ley Michael
Presley is starting to walk! He's been full on crawling since 8 months, and now he's about to be a "toddler". He's got a mounthful of teeth, and he's doing a couple of signs now...milk, more, and all done!
My son! It's still wierd saying that...We call him Buddy most of the time. He's the happiest baby you'll ever meet, unless he's teething, then you might want to come back some other day...:)
Birth Story
Presley is maturing at the speed of light. He's got six teeth! Six! and he's only (not even) 7 months old. He's still immobile...can only roll around and spin himself, but he's almost there...almost crawling...Everyone says once they start crawling life as you know it is over....but I still have a jumper, and boppy chair that he's willing to sit in. We need to get a walker for him, but I'm concerned that he won't be able to manuever much since we have a combination of tile and wood floor with thresholds that won't allow him to glide very much. We'll see..I'm searching for a fun one on craigslist.