Monday, July 25, 2011

When Priorities conflict with Goals

I find it more and more difficult to find a balance between my priorities and my goals. My priorities include the following:

- Spending time with my family
- Providing for my family (financially)
- Leading a healthy/active life style (and encouraging my kids and husband to do so as well)
- Involveing myself in extracurricular artistic activities that make me happy (i.e. photography, painting, drawing)

While these priorities seem simple, I find my goals suffering...

I have a goal to use my artistic abilities and create items to sell via online store. This goal comes from an undying belly burning fire that never ceases to be put out. It's like, until I do this I will never be fullfilled or satisfied with myself. But, this goal not only takes a serious amount of time, but also money. It all comes down to time management. When I am working full time, between the time I leave the house in the morning to the time I walk back in the door,  I've lost about 9.5 hours of my day. I literally have about 2 hours to cook dinner, eat, put away dinner, spend time with the family, and then put the kids to bed (usually by about 8:30). Come 8:30 and I need to spend some time with my husband, hence, pure exhaustion sets in by 9:30, and I'm in bed asleep no later than 10:00 p.m.

(to be continued)

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